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      中國關鍵詞 核工業篇 :核安全法規標準體系

      關鍵詞:核安全法規標準體系 網址:www.tjcxy21.com 日期:2021/11/24 10:33:20

      中國持續強化核安全法規標準建設,形成了法律、行 政法規、部門規章相銜接,法規要求和技術標準相補充, 中央和地方相結合的法規標準體系,實現了核能開發利用 安全監管全覆蓋,為依法治核夯實了基礎。截至 2019 年, 已頒布《中華人民共和國放射性污染防治法》《中華人民 共和國核安全法》等法律,頒布了《民用核設施安全監督 管理條例》《民用核安全設備監督管理條例》《放射性物 品運輸安全管理條例》等行政法規,發布部門規章 30 余 項和安全導則 100 余項,制定核安全相關國家標準和行業 標準 1000 多個,31 個省、自治區、直轄市制定地方性法 規文件 200 多個。及時總結國內外核安全實踐經驗,密切 跟蹤國際原子能機構和核電發達國家最新安全要求,不斷 更新法規標準,始終保持國際先進水平。

      China continuously strengthens its legal framework on nuclear safety, which encompasses laws and corresponding administrative regulations and departmental rules at the national and local levels, supplemented by technical standards, covering all areas of nuclear energy development and utilization, and providing an adequate level of legal certainty for this sector. Laws and regulations enacted as of 2019 include: the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Radioactive Pollution, the Nuclear Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Regulations on the Safety Supervision and Management of Civilian Nuclear Installations, the Regulations on the Supervision and Management for Civilian Nuclear Safety Equipment, and the Regulations on the Safe Transportation of Radioactive Materials. Also as of 2019, over 30 sets of departmental rules and 100 sets of safety guidelines, and over 1,000 sets of national and industry standards related to nuclear safety had been enacted, in addition to over 200 sets of local regulations issued by China’s 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government. Laws, regulations and standards are revised and updated on an ongoing basis to reflect domestic and international best practices and lessons learned in the field of nuclear safety, by taking into account the latest safety requirements of the International Atomic Energy Agency and the experience of countries with advanced nuclear technologies.





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